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  • Sábado, 26 de abril de 2025 THE WIZ El Musical SALESIANOS DONOSTIA Antzokia 17:30
  • Miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2025 ALADDIN Jr. The Musical SALESIANOS DONOSTIA Antzokia 15:30 Ver más
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Somos la Asociación Juvenil Centro Juvenil María Auxiliadora.
Estos son nuestros datos:

Centro Juvenil «Maria Auxiliadora» Gaztetxo Elkartea
Lizardi kalea, 12 (Intxaurrondo auzoa)
CP 20015

Email Ofic. de Comunicación: info@gaztetxo.com
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«There are no small parts, only small actors!» (Konstantin Stanislavski -1863|1938-, russian director and acting teacher)

TRAS EL TELÓN de BIG FISH · El Musical _ Gaztetxo Antzerki Eskola

TRAS EL TELÓN. Backstage de BIG FISH El Musical, una producción de GAZTETXO ANTZERKI ESKOLA_SALESIANOS DONOSTIA Ikastetxea/School (16/12/2018) Realización: Jon Rodríguez BIG FISH Book by JOHN AUGUST, Music and Lyrics by ANDREW LIPPA, Based on the novel by Daniel Wallace and the Columbia Motion Picture written by John August. Originally produced on Broadway by Dan Jinks, Bruce Cohen and Stage Entertainment with Roy Furman, Broadway Across America/Rich Entertainment Group, John Domo, The Nederlander Organization and Edward Walson in association with CJ E&M, Dancing Elephant Productions, Parrothead Productions, Harvey Weinstein/Carole L. Haber, Peter May/Jim Fantaci, Ted Liebowitz/Jose Piacentile and Columbia Pictures. "Big Fish" is presented through special arrangement with and all authorized performance materials are supplied by Theatrical Rights Worldwide (TRW), 1180 Avenue of the Americas, Suite 640, New York, NY 10036. www.theatricalrights.com.

TRAS EL TELÓN de BIG FISH · El Musical _ Gaztetxo Antzerki EskolaTRAS EL TELÓN de BIG FISH · El Musical _ Gaztetxo Antzerki Eskola

TRAS EL TELÓN. Backstage de BIG FISH El Musical, una producción de GAZTETXO ANTZERKI ESKOLA_SALESIANOS DONOSTIA Ikastetxea/School (16/12/2018) Realización: Jon Rodríguez BIG FISH Book by JOHN AUGUST, Music and Lyrics by ANDREW LIPPA, Based on the novel by Daniel Wallace and the Columbia Motion Picture written by John August. Originally produced on Broadway by Dan Jinks, Bruce Cohen and Stage Entertainment with Roy Furman, Broadway Across America/Rich Entertainment Group, John Domo, The Nederlander Organization and Edward Walson in association with CJ E&M, Dancing Elephant Productions, Parrothead Productions, Harvey Weinstein/Carole L. Haber, Peter May/Jim Fantaci, Ted Liebowitz/Jose Piacentile and Columbia Pictures. "Big Fish" is presented through special arrangement with and all authorized performance materials are supplied by Theatrical Rights Worldwide (TRW), 1180 Avenue of the Americas, Suite 640, New York, NY 10036. www.theatricalrights.com.



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